Construction is one of the most complex work environments with safety, quality, environmental, and other operational risks requiring comprehensive easy-to-use solutions
The construction industry relies on many pieces to come together to reduce risk. The client/owner requires that quality and safety procedures are being met and environmental concerns are addressed. General Contractors need to ensure that trades working on the project are performing safety and quality inspections. Insurance partners need to provide the right level of loss control to provide value to the project participants. Finally, executives need to be provided critical analytics in a timely manner to easily spot trends.
Many of the solutions that exist today for the construction industry are point solutions (inspections, daily reporting, observations, forms, toolbox talks, COI management, subcontractor prequalifications, training certifications, file management, analytics, training badges, QR Code forms, Learning Management System, etc) and create additional burden to construction companies due to double or triple entry.
In addition, the flow of information between construction companies and subcontractors is costly to manage both in terms of training and account setup.
To overcome this challenge, the solution needs to be a platform that is mobile-first, comprehensive, and seamlessly connects external partners without training or license fees.

Safety Observations
- Choose from over 10,000+ safety best practice questions from our library
- Assign safety issues to external parties with photos, notes, and severity
- Custom dashboards to track trends, create ratings, set up alerts and notifications
- Track time to close issues, benchmark and prioritize initiatives and determine training required

Quality Inspections
- Leverage a library of 3,500 CSI sections to build customized quality inspections for each project
- Assign quality issues internally as well as to external subcontractors - without user training or set up required
- Post QR Codes with your customized QR forms throughout the jobsite and anyone with a smartphone can complete inspections- no setup required
- Track quality issues by subcontractor
- Generates a rolling real-time punchlist

Digitize your Paper Based Forms
- Convert your paper-based forms to mobile forms using our intuitive mobile form creator
- Generate QR Codes and create keyrings and QR Boards that can be distributed around the jobsite - anyone with a smartphone can fill out your forms without needing a license or training
- Modify over 150 report templates to customize forms for each project

Daily Reporting
- Digitize your paper forms and create a daily report that every company on the jobsite completes- no setup required
- Track weather conditions, delays, and site conditions
- Analyze trades across all projects
- Executive dashboards provide a daily recap of each project

Accident Reporting
- Capture incidents immediately at the point of impact
- Dashboards analyze claim dollars by body part, severity and frequency

- Create Training Badges and Hardhat stickers for employees with headshots and QR code for accessing training
- Manage external training certificates and set up alerts and notifications before training expires
- Create training programs with videos (up to 750mb), powerpoints, and PDFs
- Track field-based training using completion codes
- Generate and score quizzes and produce training certificates

Toolbox Talks
- Post QR Codes throughout the jobsite and track all attendees inside and outside your company
- Choose from over 600+ topics in the library in both English and Spanish
- Capture signatures from all participants and track them by name
- Attach photos of the crews performing the toolbox talk
- Add URL links to your toolbox talks so your team can have broader access to safety tools such as informational videos, OSHA links, etc.
- Eliminate the paper - paper-based toolbox talks cost companies ~ $40/meeting to document