Heavy machinery, equipment, slips and falls, air quality, exposure to chemicals, confined spaces and strenuous activity present urgent safety challenges
According to NIOSH, there were approximately 12.8 million US workers in manufacturing in 2018, which is 11% of the workforce. This sector accounted for 8% of the fatalities for U.S. workers. It also had 426,400 occupational injuries and illnesses, 12.5% of the US total.
With manufacturing spread across large areas and various locations, it becomes very difficult to manage information - especially when there is no internet. With largely paper-based forms, valuable resources are wasted managing the reporting of critical information in a timely manner. Reporting of claims and incidents are often delayed due to the movement of paperwork- further increasing costs and making companies less competitive.
Managing training and Certificates of Insurance across the organization can sometimes take a full-time person to manage which creates additional inefficiencies.
To overcome these challenges, it's critical that a mobile-first solution, available to all levels of the organization with real-time analytics is available to managers and executives.

Convert from Paper-Based to Mobile-friendly Forms
- Mobile Apps provide a Mobile First Experience to users in the field
- Works on any iOS or Android device – even offline
- Leverage Photos, Voice-to-Text and Digital Signatures to document Accidents, Near-Misses among other customizable templates
- Upload files to your forms - PDF, XLS, CSV, MOV, MP4, etc.
- Mobile Form Creator eliminates paper-based reporting
- Easily survey teams across individual facilities

- Identify Open Risks with Photos, Notes, Party Observed and Severity
- Assign issues between internal employees and external parties
- Create custom observations pulling from a risk library of over 5,000 questions
- Add your own questions to digitize your current paper-based inspection process
- All data tracked using GPS location and date/time stamps

Safety Meetings
- Hundreds of topics to choose from - available in English and Spanish
- Employees acknowledge participation by signing mobile devices in the field and a photo of the crew can be added while performing the meeting
- Add meeting notes and photos of the group or sign-in sheet
- Email directly from the device to relevant third parties
- Instantly produce list of all meeting participants

Cloud-Based Filed Cabinet
- Upload documents from any PC
- Access documents from any mobile device
- Corporate Safety Manuals, Safety Data Sheets, Plant Layout and more
- Customize folder structures to match each facilities requirements

Learning Management System - LMS
- Track third-party training - to capture all company training in one place
- Create training topics and assign to employees
- Upload Video, PowerPoint, or PDF to training
- Document field-based training using completion codes
- Design and score quizzes to test knowledge
- Generate certificates of completion
- Manage company training through analytics, expiration dates and alerts

- All data rolls up into customized dashboards with 75+ existing templates
- Drill into data by facility, program, division, or at the employee level to identify trends
- Create Alerts to track exception reporting and goals, closeout open issues, and be notified of accidents in real time
- Develop custom dashboards for your organization

Get Started
- Implementation is painless. Ready to go in under 1 hour
- Average payback period in under 30 days
- Integrates with existing systems via an Open API
- ROI model using each client's real data easily calculates real savings